July 2019

On their way to becoming Sensory Savvy

Everyone has sensory sensitivities, like fabric preferences or noise level tolerances. For an increasing number of people with disabilities, including those with Down syndrome (DS), overstimulating environments can trigger adverse responses that prevent the individual and group from fully engaging.

George and His Sensory Box.JPG

To that end, the ARC of Essex County has been working to find creative ways to help their clients handle stimulation. They launched a campaign to provide individualized “Sensory-to-Go” boxes for those in need. Equipped with manipulative items like koosh balls, play dough and magna tiles, as well as essential oils, exercise balls and bands, and noise cancelling headphones, the ARC found that disruptive behavior diminished and activity participation increased. Rock the 21 proudly sponsored eight customized “Sensory-to-Go” boxes for adults with DS.

Susie*, one of the recipients of the boxes sponsored by Rock the 21, has a dual diagnosis of DS and early onset dementia. She enjoys a structured routine and expressing her creative side through arts and crafts projects. Due to her dementia, Susie has become more set in her ways, resisting transitions, and becoming possessive over shared items. Equipped with her own customized box including a variety of tactile items like magnetic tiles and sensory art supplies, Susie will be able to better cope with the changes associated with her fleeting memory.

Thank you for helping people like Susie! You are all Rockstars!

*Individual's name has been changed.