September 19, 2017

National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk - NYC

Rock the 21 kicked off Down Syndrome Awareness month by joining more than 2,000 walkers at the National Down Syndrome Society’s (NDSS) Buddy Walk.  The walk was started in 1995 by the NDSS as an advocacy and fundraising event, and there are now walks in all parts of the world. Team Rock the 21 participated at the NYC walk in Central Park and a photo of Rocker, Alicia, appeared on the Times Square Jumbotron! Alicia’s photo was selected from thousands of entries in the NDSS worldwide call for photos. The featured photographs highlight children, teens, and adults with DS, reminding the world in a very big way about the contributions and milestones of people with DS. The walk was followed by games, food and fun. Team Rock the 21 was in the top 10 of the event’s donors thanks to the generous contributions of our supporters!