February 2019


Rock the 21 was lead sponsor at Hoboken Special Needs Parents Group’s first Support & Resource Fair. This event was an incredible opportunity for families to discover locally available services for their loved one with special needs. Everything from sports classes and respite care, to doctors and therapists who all focus on persons with special needs were there to communicate resources and best practices to attendees. Throughout the afternoon, there were short presentations by special education professionals and a self-advocate. All those who attended walked away feeling empowered and supported by a connected community.

The highlight of the day for the Rock the 21 team was meeting a family with a six-week-old baby girl with DS. Her parents heard Rock the 21 was going to be in attendance at the fair, and they traveled from another county to get connected, find support, and learn as much as they could about this new journey they had embarked on. With your help, we continue to fulfill our mission in meaningful ways.