April 2020

Rock the world: Adikalie

We are excited to continue our support of Adikalie—a nine-year-old boy with DS living in Sierra Leone, Africa. Rock the 21 began sponsoring Adikalie in 2019 and he has become an extension of our Rock family. Our sponsorship will ensure Adikalie continues to receive critical physical and occupational therapies, as well as much-needed financial assistance towards school fees, supplies, and a uniform. Click here to see the latest update on Adikalie.

This year, we also purchased Adikalie a special lantern for his home. This solar inflatable lantern & phone charger will be invaluable to his whole family, who lack access to electricity and who often rely on other substitutes such as kerosene or candles. If you would like to purchase one of these lanterns for another family, you can learn more here.